We are David M. Jacobson, LCSW, C.H.P.
Humor Horizons
David and Joe did a talk together about living with arthritis

David and Joe did a talk together about living with arthritis

David with President Obama at UMC

David with President Obama at UMC

Humor Horizons
David with President Obama at UMC

The President’s visit was very inspirational and offered a glimmer of light in the darkness that followed the tragic shooting event.

David Jacobson is a professional speaker on leadership, team building, humor and health and overcoming trauma. He is the former Chief of Social Work of the Phoenix VA where he assisted in improving their mental health system. He also is the former Social Work Manager at University Medical Center who worked with the patients and families of trauma’s including the tragic shooting event in Tucson that happened on January 8th, 2011 which resulted in a personal thank you from the President for his work with the shooting survivors and their families. 

Some of David’s roles included: Executive National Sales Director, GS-14 VA Government Chief, Physician Instructor, Behavioral Health Director, Arizona Governor appointment as Children’s Justice Task Force member, Integrated Ethics Program Officer for two healthcare systems, Inspector for the Governmental Office of Mental Health Operations, Arthritis Foundation Chapter Board Chair and President, National Association of Social Workers AZ Chapter Board Member, Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor Board member, President of HOA, Crisis Prevention Instructor, Psychiatric Evaluator, ER level 1 trauma social worker, Volunteer Service manager, Empire State Games participant, VISTA volunteer and graduate of a driving school course.

For over 30 years David, has provided his expertise on leadership, humor and health related topics to audiences around the country and served on the Board of Directors of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. He has been featured internationally by various media outlets, including magazines, journals and television from London to Seoul, Korea. He is the award winning author of “The 7 ½ Habits of Highly Humorous People.” 
David Jacobson suffered many losses early in his life including a diagnosis with a severe form of arthritis at 22 in 1980. Since then, he has become a living example that you can accomplish anything if you truly believe in yourself. Through his years of struggling with chronic pain, he developed humor techniques that got him through the hard times. He now teaches these skills to audiences around the country in his keynotes and workshops which are as entertaining as they are educational.
For the past twenty years, Mr. Jacobson has worked as a hospital administrator in addition to his writing, speaking and consulting career. He is currently the Director of Behavioral Health Case Management at Banner University Medical Center in Tucson.

Honors and Awards

David by the Korean Broadcasting System KBS
joy mask David by the Korean Broadcasting System

Joy Mask presented to David by the Korean Broadcasting System for his contribution to their international documentary on humor and stress.

Arthritis foundation Hero award

Selected from thousands of nominations nationwide.

National Hero Overcoming Arthritis Award

Arthritis foundation CONQUISTADOR TROPHY
El Conquistador Trophy’s FlashNet’s President’s Award
Perimeter bicycling association of america INC

The CONQUISTADOR TROPHY is the PBAA’s most prestigious symbol and is presented to a select few. 
David received not one, but Two El Conquistador  Trophy’s.  The first he received (on the left) after getting a silver medal in the 115 mile version of the El Tour. This was the Jim Elliot Award, presented to an individual whom society often considers to be unable to participate in an event such as El Tour due to disability. This award acknowledges the courage, discipline and determination of the recipient.  The second (on the right) he received was the “Most Unique Bicycle” trophy for completing the 50 mile version of the El Tour on his unicycle. 

Environmental Protection Agency’s Crystal Award for David’s presentation during the EPA’s National Disability Awareness Month

In appreciation for your participation in the EPA’s National Disability Awareness Month

Environmental Protection Agency’s Crystal Award for David’s presentation during the EPA’s National Disability Awareness Month

Arthritis Foundation’s “Lifetime Achievement”  Award

Arthritis Foundation’s “Lifetime Achievement”  Award

Arthritis Foundation’s “Lifetime Achievement”  Award

David was an Instructor in the U of A College
David was an Instructor in the U of A College

For several years David was an Instructor in the U of A College of Medicine teaching communication skills to medical students and interns with his medical interviewing courses

Wayne Washburn Memorial Award

Wayne Washburn Memorial Award

FlashNet’s President’s Award

El Conquistador Trophy’s FlashNet’s President’s Award

David was one of their Executive National Director’s of Sales
For outstanding training results in Marketing and Sales.

Certificate of Recognition for contributions to the Kino Hospital
Certificate of Recognition for contributions to the Kino Hospital
Department of Psychiatry
The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor
The Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor
Certificate of Appreciation for presentations at AATH annual conferences
Certificate of Appreciation for services rendered to the National Association of Social Workers:
Certificate of Appreciation for services rendered to the National Association of Social Workers:
Arizona Chapter
Certificate of Appreciation for volunteering as a counselor at a camp for children with arthritis
Certificate of Appreciation for volunteering as a counselor at a camp for children with arthritis