
End of talk Standing Ovation

End of talk Standing Ovation
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Laughing to Ease the Pain

The Role of Therapeutic Humor in Coping with Illness

Laughing to Ease the Pain

You’ve never heard a funnier way of dealing with pain and illness! This inspirational keynote is full of entertaining stories that educate audiences on the role humor plays in healing and coping with health issues and everyday stress. It tells the sad and serious story of David’s diagnosis of severe arthritis, but tells how he coped with it in a hilarious way. It reveals humor strategies that anyone can use to improve their health. David is one of the few Certified Humor Professionals in the Country. A designation bestowed through the three year Graduate Humor Academy of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor. Working in the healthcare industry for over 30 years, David is very familiar with all areas of Healthcare.

Attendees will walk out of this session understanding that…

If you can change the the way you think, you can change the way the feel

Humor can be very powerful, even life transforming

Your sense of humor is the greatest resiliency tool there is

Learning objectives

  • Explain the physiological, psychological and social benefits of using therapeutic humor.
  • Gain an understanding of the role therapeutic humor can play in coping with health issues ad everyday stress.
  • Discuss and apply humor strategies that can be utilized to enhance ones use of therapeutic humor.

The Role of Humor in Leadership and Team Building

The Role of Humor
The Role of Humor
speaker that talks about leadership

Do you want speaker that talks about leadership or

Do you want a healthcare leader who speaks from experience?

Humor has been related to a number of positive effects when used by leaders: improved morale among workers, enhanced group cohesiveness, and even a positive impact on larger organizational outcomes. This keynote addresses how humor can be used to enhance leadership effectiveness with an emphasis on improved communication and team building. Guidelines for use of humor will be discussed to ensure humor does not get out of hand at work emphasizing the important of appropriate humor and educating staff on the dangers of using inappropriate humor. Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify ways humor can be used to improve communication
  2. Describe and practice humor techniques for team building
  3. Recognize and distinguish the differences between appropriate and inappropriate humor
Resiliency Amidst Change

Resiliency Amidst Change

  1. The stress of change and how resiliency tools and your sense of humor can help you cope with it and improve your health
  2. Walk out with the understanding that if you can change the way you think, you can change the way you feel. Resulting in less stress, better health.

Humor in Diversity

Using Humor to Enhance Diversity Acceptance

Humor in Diversity

Humor is a universal human trait that crosses all cultures and societies. This presentation addresses how humor can be used to decrease prejudice and improve relationships of people from vastly different backgrounds. This presentation will discuss the role that baggage, projections, judgments and perceptions play in impeding our ability to appreciate cultural differences other communication styles and how humor can be used to overcome these obstacles.

  1. Recognize ways that humor can be used to decrease prejudices
  2. Demonstrate how humor can be used to knock down barriers the impede communication  
  3. Give examples of ways to respond to the use of inappropriate humor and how to educate those that use it.